The Shaikh Who Played Football
Habib Ali said that when Habib Umar was younger and living in Bayda, a group of youth approached him and said, 'Is playing football haram?'
He smiled and said, 'Who told you it was haram? Do you guys enjoy it? Where do you play? I'll come down!' They all gleamed with happiness and told him the location. He'd go every day, sit down and just show them support and how much he cared. One day, they wanted to organise a tournament but they didn't have enough money to buy a trophy so what does Habib who was living on basic means do? He told them not to worry and puts together money that he needs - and buys them a trophy as a surprise. After a while, he got close to these young lads so one day after they finished their game, he called them to him and said,
"I really enjoyed watching you guys play today. Tomorrow I'm going to give the winning team a prize, but I just have a condition. Wear longer trousers such that your 'awra is covered." These street lads loved him so much that they happily agreed. The next day, Habib came back and watched the game and every boy was wearing longer trousers. And as promised, he gave the winning team a prize. Before leaving to go home, Habib Umar said to them while smiling pleasantly,
"I have honoured you by attending your game. Would it be okay if you honour me by attending my class for just a short while?" The boys responded, "We are shy to attend your class because great scholars are there attending." Habib Umar said, "If that's the case, then come at such at such time when no one will there us."
The boys were so taken in by the adab and character of Habib and how much kindness he showed that they agreed and began attending classes, praying 5 times a day, spending their time learning, and being attached to the religion. They were touched that someone of that status amongst the learned would honour 'nobodies' like them. Now those same boys kicking balls and playing on streets have grown into 'Ulema in Bayda. Everyone has a chance with Allāh no matter how they live, look, talk, act, or dress. Your job isn't to sit down, look down on people, dismiss them, lose hope, or debase them. Your job is to help them up and raise them to Allāh. Rasūlallāh ﷺ didn't meet a person no matter distant, bad or insignificant, they were except they left saying, 'I felt that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ loved no one in the gathering more than me.' Rasūlallāh ﷺ didn't sit down and wait on people yet he was the most righteous and God-fearing. He went out to people with mercy, love, beauty, and a message of hope - until he changed the entire world.