Respect - 10 Advices For Students
“The most beloved of Allah's servants (to Allah) are those with the best manners.” (Bukhari)
Here are 10 golden rules which will enable you to excel in your studies and will help you in life after your student days. Try to develop these qualities and the blessings are yours to enjoy.
Crystallise your intention and purpose of studying. Take a minute every day to revise your intentions. Make as many good intentions as possible. Intend to seek knowledge for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala, to be polite and respectful to teachers and fellow classmates, to serve your teacher and fellow students when needed, to be an obedient servant of Allah, to develop good qualities and character, to be a good human being, to excel in your studies, to practice upon and propagate what you learn, and to serve humanity. Ultimately, do everything for the pleasure of your Creator. You should also make a strong intention to avoid bad behaviour, disrespect, vulgarity and sin with your tongue and limbs. The reward and acceptance of all actions are based on intentions, so make your intention as broad and sincere as possible.
To respect Allah Ta'ala is known as Haya (modesty). Allah Ta'ala is the Creator and Bestower of honour. “All respect belongs to Allah, He is All hearing and All Knowing.” (Surah Yunus - Verse 65). Whilst in class, be conscious of Allah's presence. Allah Ta'ala is fully aware of everything, be it public or private. Do not deliberately commit any sin or hurt anyone whilst in class or after class. Be humble and seek forgiveness if you do. Try not to repeat your mistake. Use the classroom to develop the ability to be respectful, obedient and conscious of Allah Ta'ala. Be grateful for His favours and Mercy.
Allah Ta'ala has given each one of us our life, time and resources as an Amanah (Trust). Every person will be questioned on the Day of Judgement about his youth, life, wealth and knowledge. Therefore, these bounties must be treasured and utilised in the correct manner. By respecting these bounties, you are respecting your life and the opportunity you have been given. You are the only one who can do this, no one is going to do it for you. With the help and guidance of Allah Ta'ala, there is no limit to what you can achieve.
Your teacher is the most important person in your life after your parents. Teachers hold a high position in society because they are educating the next generation who are the future of the nation. Always show your teacher highest respect and do not say or do anything to hurt his or her feelings. If you err, then ask for forgiveness and make amends by offering to serve your teacher.
Experience has proven that the most successful students in life are not those who excel academically only, but those who show respect and reverence to their teachers. Remember, most failures in life are not competency failures, but character failures. The duas of your teacher will help you and bring you success throughout your life.
Treat your class friends with respect, speak politely and do not become a cause of inconvenience to anyone. If you display respect you will receive respect and will be remembered by people for your respect. Even if others are disrespectful to you, respond with good character and do not descend to that person's behaviour. If you react to bad behavior with bad behaviour, then you are no better, and you allow the words and behaviour of another person to 'control' how you behave. So always maintain respect for others by taking the higher moral ground. If someone is offensive and disruptive then you should deal with it through your teachers or the administration. Speak to your parents or an elder about your problem, and be guided by them.
Your books are the most valuable and important tools in your journey of knowledge. Showing respect to the Qur'an Shareef and all other texts and material will secure for you the blessings of knowledge. True Knowledge will not be attained without showing respect to the instruments of knowledge. Books and whatever is in place of a book is the means through which knowledge will reach you. Keep books in order of their rank and importance, e.g. the Qur'an Shareef must always be on top of all other books, then books of Hadith, then Fiqh and other books.
The classroom is your second home. You will spend many hours of your day in the classroom, therefore ensure that the furniture, board, desks, chairs, carpets, walls and other items are cared for and not damaged or misused. The items in the classroom are generous contributions from the community, and are a trust which must be used with care and caution. Misusing the facilities of the classroom would render one accountable in the court of Allah Ta'ala on the day of Qiyamah. The classroom should be kept clean, tidy and perfumed to compliment the atmosphere of knowledge.
To show respect to every aspect of your institute is imperative. The institute is the centre that delivers the blessing of knowledge to you. Without the institute, it would be difficult to acquire knowledge easily. Show appreciation to your place of learning by obeying the rules, learning well, caring for the place of knowledge and being grateful for the opportunity to be a student in an institute where acquiring knowledge has been made easy. Never do or say anything that will bring the good name of your institute into disrepute.
Every institute has a set of rules which students are required to abide by. These rules are known as the 'Code of Conduct', to maintain a conducive learning environment and to enhance students' character. The rules may seem restrictive, but are there to mould you into a fine human being. Rules teach a person to conform and reform. As a student you may find it difficult to understand or adhere, however, as you mature you will understand that these rules are for your benefit and safety.
Respect is such a remarkable quality that it is applicable to everyone and everything. The general staff, cleaners and others who may not be directly teaching you are collectively contributing to the progress of the institute. If they do not play their role, things will not run smoothly. These individuals should be greeted, shown respect and thanked for the important role they play.
“The believers who are most perfect in faith are those best in character.” (Tirmizi)