YOU Convenes 10th Annual Youth Night in Durban

The programme has become a calendar event, being held annually in Ramadan for the past decade. An added feature introduced this year was the option for the youth to stay over the night to experience the atmosphere of Itikaf in the company of Ulama.

Alhumdulillah, many youth stayed over for the night after the main programme.

The first session comprised of advices by young Ulama and beautifully rendered Anasheed. During the break, refreshments were taken and relished by the youth.

The second session comprised of the Q&A segment and a joint Khatam of the Quran for the people of Gaza.

It was heart-warming to observe the youth eager to make khatam of the Qur'an and Dua for their Muslim brethren in Palestine, for the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.

We make Dua that Allah Ta’ala accepts the efforts of the Youth and make them flag bearers of Islam.

Youth of the Ummah - YOU

A Youth Development Initiative of Darul Ihsan Centre

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