YOU holds ‘Turn the Tide’ Campus programme

The ‘Youth of the Ummah’ – ‘YOU’ is the youth development initiative of Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre. ‘YOU’ conducts ongoing educational and orientation programmes in schools and campuses to develop learners’ potential and Islamic identity.

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Youth of the Ummah facilitates programme for Hifz students

‘Youth of the Ummah’ (YOU) - the youth initiative of Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre - facilitated a memorable Adventure Day for the learners of the Darul Quran Institute of Durban on Saturday, the 24th August 2019 at ‘Infinite Adventures’ in the heart of the Valley of 1000 Hills, Durban.

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‘Youth of the Ummah’ Adventure Day

Thirty six high school boys from Durban and surrounding areas had a fun-filled ‘Adventure Day’ programme hosted by the ‘Youth of the Ummah’ (‘YOU’) Department of Darul Ihsan Centre on Tuesday, 04 April 2107.

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