YOU Convenes 10th Annual Youth Night in Durban

The programme has become a calendar event, being held annually in Ramadan for the past decade. An added feature introduced this year was the option for the youth to stay over the night to experience the atmosphere of Itikaf in the company of Ulama.

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Dr. Basel Abu Warda Visits Darul Ihsan Centre

On 20 February 2024, Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre was privileged to receive a visit by Dr. Basel Abu Warda. Facilitated by the team at Salam Foundation, the visit and engagement with Dr. Basel Abu Warda, a Palestinian Doctor with firsthand experience of the genocide in Gaza and significant personal loss due to the ongoing conflict, was both impactful and deeply moving. Dr. Abu Warda shared his harrowing experiences with over 150 learners from the Al Ihsan Muslim School and Al Ihsan Teacher Training Academy, as well as Ulama and staff of the Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre, during his visit to the centre.

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