Youth of the Ummah Hosts Successful Adventure Day

On Monday; 2 October 2023; Youth of the Ummah – a youth development wing of Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre (DHC) – hosted a successful “Adventure Day” for teenaged youth.

Though the trip was met with apprehension due to road closures and protests in the morning, the learners departed from Sea Cow Lake at 07:30 AM with the mercy of Allah.

The programme took place at Infinite Adventures in the heart of Valley of a Thousand Hills, and saw an attendance of 84 learners; all from diverse backgrounds; between the ages of 13-18. Accompanied by 6 Ulama facilitators, the event entailed obstacle courses, wall climbing, archery, a muddy hike, as well as team building activities. These exercises cultivated a sense of brotherhood, courage, camaraderie, and mutual support between the boys.

Tarbiyah sessions and general advices encouraging good character and Islamic values played an integral part of the event, with sessions dedicated to spiritual guidance held throughout the day. These sessions also included spiritual motivation, as well as inspiring talks addressing the challenges faced by the youth by Moulana Jadwat and Mufti Ballim. Their words of wisdom motivated and encouraged the attendees, as they emphasised the importance of faith, unity, and personal growth. Zuhr salaah, as well as lunch and refreshments, followed thereafter.

By approximately 15:00 PM, the group returned to the Darul Ihsan Humanitarian Centre in Sea Cow Lake. The event was a resounding success.

A student remarked, “Alhamdulillah, the boys enjoyed it. Had a good time.”

A parent also commented, “[My son] spoke greatly about the many activities including how amazing the Moulanas in charge were. The boys are already looking forward to the next day out.”

The sense of Muslim brotherhood and camaraderie was evident throughout the day, and it is anticipated that the attendees eagerly await the next youth camp organised by the DHC. This event not only enriched the lives of the participants, but also contributed to the overall wellbeing of the Ummah youth.

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