YOU Convenes 'Dads and Lads' Overnight Camp
Youth of the Ummah (YOU), the youth development initiative of Darul Ihsan Centre held a 'Dads & Lads' overnight camp at Sunset Ridge Farm, in Camperdown on Saturday & Sunday 5 & 6 July 2024.
The program kicked off on Saturday with much enthusiasm from both fathers and sons. The camp targeted learners between the ages of 6 & 12. The aim was for fathers to bond and share some quality time with their sons. A total of sixty five fathers and sons participated together with a few support staff from the Darul Ihsan Centre.
The boys were divided into four groups and enjoyed activities such as paintball, archery, obstacle course, zip line, human foozball, wall climbing, horse walking and more. Mufti Shafique Jakhura, also a participating dad together with Moulana Bilal Jakhura delivered pertinent advices and conducted Zikr programs throughout the camp. A special awareness program on Palestine was conducted by Mufti Shafique Jakhura.
The program terminated at 11am on Sunday 6 July with participants having spent the time outdoors in an environment of fun, learning and bonding.
The feedback from the program was very encouraging and more events are being planned for the future.
We thank our participants, volunteers, parents and donors for their contribution in making the program a success. May Allah Ta'ala accept our humble efforts and make our youth true flag bearers of Islam.
Youth of the Ummah (YOU)
A Youth Development initiative of Darul Ihsan Centre