Youth of the Ummah hosts Exam Readiness Webinar
‘Youth of the Ummah’ (YOU) - the youth wing of Darul Ihsan Centre – in conjunction with its sister wing, Daughters of the Ummah (DOU) facilitated a successful webinar for Grade 12 learners on exam preparation skills.
Our esteemed panel consisted of Mufti Zubair Bayat, who advised learners on the spiritual preparations required, Junaid Bayat (an acclaimed educationist) who discussed study techniques and Faizel Moosa and Firoz Ghany who mentored in Maths, Physical Science and Afrikaans respectively. The programmes centred around motivating learners and equipping them with the necessary tools required for a successful examination.
A dedicated chat and watsapp number was utilised for questions. Program director, Ml Ilyas Eshak introduced the presenters and topics and terminated the program with a Dua.
We wish all matriculants every success in the examinations and pray that Almighty Allah Ta’ala guides them to that which He is pleased with.
Darul Ihsan Media Desk - Youth of the Ummah (YOU)