Dear Matriculant

On behalf of Darul Ihsan Centre we congratulate you on your admission into matric. We pray that this year will be a year of success, guidance and prosperity for you.

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The Wisdom of Luqman (AS)

Luqman (AS) is a well-known sage, whose advice to his son has been mentioned in the Noble Qur'an. Luqman's advice contains rare wisdom. The Qur'an contains ten precious advices Luqman (AS) offered his beloved son.

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Be Useful & Youthful

One the most effective ways of gaining reward and happiness is to bring happiness to others. Islam teaches us to be well-wishers of others. Be merciful to those on earth and those in the heavens will be merciful to you.

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Life on Campus!

Freedom! Many young people live for the day when they can move out of the house and go to university and finally be free. Freedom from their parents, from restrictions on their lifestyle, from everyone telling them what to do.

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