Little Handyman Course
Alhumdulillah, our third term holiday activity for the under 12 year olds was held at the Darul Ihsan offices in Seacowlake. The activity was directed as encouraging our youngsters to become productive and proactive individuals. Keeping this in mind, YOU created a basic Handyman activity that concluded with the building of a basic motorized car which turned out to be the highlight of the program.
The program began with a brief introduction of YOU and its objectives. Mf Mahmood Suliman of the Fatwa department of Darul Ihsan advised the youngsters on the importance of being a productive Muslim and not wasting away one’s valuable time behind screens etc.
Br Imtiaz Essop of Darul Ihsan’s maintenance department took the participants through the basic tools, tool safety and what each tool is used for via a colourful PowerPoint slide that was printed and handed to each participant to take home as resource material.
Participants were then grouped into teams and designated a table with a facilitator to assist in the car building activity which included installing a fan and motor and understanding the processes behind wind power etc.
Meals were served in the atrium and participants wolfed down their burgers after a very productive day, Alhumdulillah. All participants read their Zuhr Salaah with Jamaat in the Musallah and the day culminated at 12:30pm
We make Dua that the activity day was of benefit to the participants and that Allah Ta’ala accepts this humble effort of ours
A special note of gratitude to the Darul Ihsan teacher training students who volunteered their holidays to facilitate at the program. Jazakumullah to our parents who supported this program. Alhumdulillah the response was so positive that we had to close registration on the second day due to full capacity. May Allah reward all who contributed to the success of this program in whatever way possible.
Venue: Darul Ihsan Centre
Date: Thursday 26 September 2024
Ages: 6-12 year olds
No of participants: 98
Darul Ihsan Media Desk